Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sweet Sayings

Our little 2 year old LOVES to talk. I never know what is going to come out of her mouth but today she absolutely melted my heart. Ivey Kate started getting a little fussy in the car and I started talking to calm her down. She quit crying and Mattilee said "Thank you for making my Ivey Kate happy, Momma." What a sweetheart! Don't get me wrong, she is a two-year old and everything that she does and says isn't always "sweet" but more often than not she makes me smile and laugh.

Here are a few of my favorite things she says:

"My booboo is all better now, Momma." -After I kiss a booboo for her. Sure knows how to make Momma feel special.

"Momma, can I hold you?" -Of course you can!:)

"She smiled at me Mommy!" -She gets so excited when she makes Ivey Kate smile.

"I'm happy now!" -this she usually says after I've told her to stop crying or whining about something.:)

"Going to Pop and Gigi's house." -as she walks to the door with her purse. She usually comes back and says "I need Momma's keys."

When she starts to leave a room she almost always turns back around and says "I'll be right back."

"I love you, Momma... and Daddy and Ivey Kate and Jesus..." the list goes on and on.

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