Monday, April 9, 2012

Sick Little Sister

The weekend of St. Patrick's Day Ivey Kate had to be admitted to the hospital. She had a cold for a few days (that her big sister shared with her) and on Friday she just wasn't eating well and was much more fussy than usual. She started running a slight fever that evening so we decided we would take her to the after-hours clinic. Poor thing had bronchiolitis and was not getting enough oxygen. They wanted her oxygen levels in the mid-high 90's and hers were in the high 80's. So, they had us stay at Children's two nights to monitor her oxygen levels. At Children's we also found out that she had RSV. She was a sick little girl. It was a little scary and sad. As a parent you feel so helpless when your child is sick. Even though we felt horrible for our sick baby girl, it was very humbling to stay at Children's surrounded by other families of very sick children. We saw so many children with cancer and other very serious illnesses, burns, etc.; children and families who pretty much live at the hospital. My heart just broke for so many children and parents I saw as I walked the halls of the hospital. It made me so grateful to walk out of that hospital with my baby girl who had only suffered from a common virus. We may not always be this healthy but for now I thank God every day (and several times a day) for blessing our family with good health.

Ivey Kate getting a breathing treatment that she did not enjoy.

Because she had to be hooked up to oxygen, she had to ride in an ambulance from the After Hours clinic to Children's Hospital. This of course was her first ambulance ride and I hope it was her last.

Our sweet, sick girl.

In the hospital bed at Children's Hospital

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