Monday, April 9, 2012

Healthy, Happy Babies

Praise God for healthy, happy babies. Our trip to the doctor for Ivey Kate's 4 month checkup and Mattilee's 2 year was a reminder of how blessed we are to have healthy babies. We've had our share of colds and common illnesses, but our children are overall very healthy and generally have a happy disposition. For both, I am very thankful.

At two years old Mattilee is weighing in at 26lbs and 8 ounces. She is 35 1/4 inches tall. These put her in the 50% for weight and 75% for height. Mattilee can say anything and she talks all the time, about anything and everything. She loves to tell stories and we love listening to them. She keeps us laughing and when we laugh, she keeps going.:) She's got such a fun little personality. She is losing her "baby" look and is looking more and more like a little girl. She also looks more like a little girl since she's not wearing a diaper anymore.

Mattilee 2 years old

At 4 months Ivey Kate is 14lbs 11oz and 26 inches. She is in the 75% for weight and 95% for height. This sweet thing loves to give kisses. When you lean in to give her a kiss she opens her mouth.:) So precious. She has been rolling from her tummy to back for a few weeks now but hasn't rolled from back to tummy yet. She loves to look at herself in the mirror (and can you blame her:)). Her little play mat has a mirror that hangs above her head and she just laughs and squeals at herself. She also laughs and squeals at her daddy. She "talks" to him more than she does to anyone else. She started sleeping through the night consistently at about 12 weeks old. It's amazing how much better I feel after a full night's sleep. I told my husband that to me, this age is the "honeymoon" stage of parenting. She's sleeping through the night, she lights up when she sees us, thinks everything we do is funny, and she's not mobile yet. When she's trying to keep up with her sister and into everything I'm really going to have my hands full.:)

Ivey Kate trying food for the first time at 4 months. We started with rice cereal. She liked it, it just took her a little while to figure out how to keep it in her mouth.

Couldn't be more in love with my two precious girls or their amazing daddy. What sweet blessings they all are!!

I am also thankful for God's protection over our family. He continually protects us and keeps us safe. On the way to the doctor today, a deer ran right out in front of us on the interstate. It jumped right out in front of my the middle of the day! I was on 459 and probably going 65 or 70 mph. Thankfully, the girls and I were just fine. The deer, on the other hand, didn't fare so well. By the sound of it, I thought for sure he had left his imprint on the front of my car but there wasn't even a scratch! If it wasn't for the deer hair in my grill, you would have never known I had hit him. Just thinking about how bad it could have been makes me so grateful we are all safe.

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