Matti's 3rd month was so much fun. For starters, Mattilee started sleeping through the night! Up to this point she would wake up one time during the night for a feeding and go right back down to sleep. She's always been a GREAT sleeper and every once in a while she'd sleep through that middle of the night feeding. But at 9 weeks she slept all the way through the night and has done it ever since. Most of the time I have to wake her up to feed her. I prayed for a sleeper and the Lord definitely gave me one!
We started out the month of June by attending VBS at church. I was teaching a preschool class, so that meant Matti had to stay in the nursery. I was a little apprehensive about this, since I had never left her with anyone besides her grandparents. Even on Sunday mornings she stayed with us in worship and slept. But she did fine and the ladies loved her. She was the youngest VBS attender so they all raced to get her when I brought her in. She didn't care for the initial hand off but it didn't take her long to warm up. I was right down the hall so I'd sneak a peak every once in a while to make sure she was okay.
Toward the end of the month, we went to the beach with my family: Gigi, Pop, Uncle Grady, Aunt Erica, Cousin Addie Brown, Pat, and Ashley. We had a wonderful vacation. We stayed at Carillon Beach in a beautiful house. The weather was beautiful and so was the water. We saw no sign of oil.
It was so nice to spend an entire week with my family. We spent most of our time during the day at the pool, which we quickly discovered is more baby friendly than the beach with all of the sand. Matti and Addie Brown both loved the pool. They were too young to enjoy the sand and the waves, but next year I'm sure we'll be spending a lot more time on the beach.
We visited the outlet mall and lots of great places to eat. We rode bikes, played cards and games, etc. Grady built a washer game which is kind of like corn hole and brought it to the beach. This and golf kept the men completely entertained. They all needed time off from work; I think this relaxing vacation was great for them.
I loved getting to spend lots of time with Addie Brown and watching Matti and Addie together. They were so funny. Addie Brown is about 4 months older than Mattilee and wanted anything that Matti had in her hand and since she was so much better at reaching and grabbing for stuff than Matti, before we knew it Addie had commandeered all of Matti's toys. Matti didn't mind at all, she just loved watching her older, more resourceful cousin. We are going to have so much fun with these two being so close in age. I can't wait for the many more family beach trip and vacations.
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