Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Fun and New Developments

Our big girl at the Pumpkin Patch.

One year ago at the Pumpkin Patch. I can't believe how much she has grown!

Having fun with Daddy after picking out her pumpkin.

Asking the driver of the hayride "Please?" while we were waiting our turn to ride.

Climbing to get a better look at the hayride.

Mattilee found her pumpkin!

She looks like such a big girl!

My growing family; what a blessing these two (three) are to me!

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it! Every child is just doing his or her own thing while the parents are doing all we can behind the camera to get them to sit still and smile. So funny! :)

Our precious small group minus the Flows...although we aren't really "small" anymore.:) I love these families so much and I'm so thankful for them.

What a difference a year makes....We went to the Pumpkin Patch with our sweet small group again this year and it has amazed me to look back on last year's pictures and how much Mattilee has grown and developed. We had a wonderful time again this year. I truly cherish my precious small group and thank God for sending them into my life to help sharpen, encourage, and journey beside my family in our pursuit to know Him more and raise our family to glorify Him.

At 19 months now, Mattilee repeats EVERYTHING we say. It's amazing how much her vocabulary has exploded these past few months. She is also doing very well with potty training. I, on the other hand, have learned that I am not a great "potty trainer." She does a great job of telling me when she has to potty and we race to the bathroom to sit on her tiny pink potty. So when we are home, going to the potty is no big deal. When we aren't home is when I really mess things up. I totally forget to take her to potty and since she's not at home with the convenience of her little pink potty she gets distracted and forgets as well. I've got to do better about remembering to take her to potty away from home or either just stay home for the next 3 weeks or so. I'm still not putting too much stock in this potty training thing. Although it would be wonderful to only have to buy and change diapers for one baby when baby sister arrives in December, our pediatrician did tell me that a lot of times older siblings will resort back to their old diapering days when new baby arrives. So we'll just wait and see.

Matt and I think we have a name for our bundle of joy on the way: Ivie Kathryn. Ivy is a family name from my side and Kathryn of course is my name. Ivy means climbing, clinging, binding which we are praying will be exemplary of her relationship with our sweet Lord...that she will always cling to Him and aspire and strive (climb) in her knowledge, awe, thankfulness, and love for Him. Matt really wanted to use Kathryn and I've always loved its meaning which is pure. We are probably going to call her Ivey Kate. The double name may not stick, we may end up just calling her Ivey or she may just want to be called Ivey, and that will be fine. But I do like the two names together so I think that is what we will start off calling her. We are still trying to find family names from Matt's side to use. We just don't know much about his family history. So if before this baby makes her appearance, we come across something from his side that we both love, we will use it instead. But for now we are thinking Ivie Kathryn is it. I'm having trouble deciding on spelling as you can see... that's why I keep typing it differently. I like to see the different spellings typed and written out. I don't really want to use Ivy; it makes me think of the plant. But I really like Ivie, Ivey and even Ivee. Any suggestions?


  1. I was laughing because you were using the different spellings and then I read that you are just testing it out;) I know someone named Averee and I always thought that spelling was so much prettier than Avery, so I vote for Ivee. Then again.... as soon as I type that I might like Ivey....I guess I'm not much help either!

  2. Thanks for the input Kristen.:) I like Ivee too but Matt really likes Ivey. I also know a girl with the spelling Ivie and she is so precious it makes me like it spelled that way. Unless Matt changes his preference in spelling we'll more than likely go with Ivey. I love catching up on your sweet family through your blog!
