Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Getting ready to play in the snow!

Checking out the snow with Daddy.

Big girl having a snack.

Over the Christmas break all of our men went hunting so we had a spend the night party at Gigi's.

Trying out my new Radio Flyer wagon that Gigi and Pop gave me for Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Cousin Claire Kate and Matti in their Christmas shirts Holly made them. These girls are going to have so much fun together. :)

Getting ready to open some presents.

It's really hard for me to believe that Christmas has come and gone. This past year just flew by so fast! We had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Lord with family and friends. I've always loved Christmas but this year it was extra special with Mattilee here to celebrate with us. Both sides of our family got to spend a lot of time with her and she was such a good sport of being passed all around. This Christmas is also the first White Christmas I've ever experienced. Well it wasn't really "white" but it did snow on Christmas and the day after Christmas and although the ground wasn't covered with it, it was really pretty to watch falling from the sky.

Along with tons of sweet gifts from family, Mattilee also got 4 new teeth up top. They're already changing her look a little. That little smile with those new teeth showing through is so precious. Matti also started crawling 4 or 5 days before Christmas. I love to watch her crawl and explore and how excited and fun she seems to think this new found independence is.

We had to go back to the doctor again shortly after Christmas because she was running a fever again. No ear infections and no urinary tract infection so the doctor thought that it was just another fever virus. This one lasted longer than the last and when the fever was gone she develped a rash all over. For several days all Mattilee wanted to do is lay on her mommy. I was happy to cuddle with her and love on her all day but I'm so glad she's feeling better. It's so sad when they don't feel well and they can't tell you what's wrong.


  1. Katie, she's AMAZINGLY precious!!! i can't believe how big she's getting. i wish we lived closer so she and Emmalyn could have play dates! Hope all is well with you guys :)

  2. Meagan, I can't believe your sweet girl is one year old! Oh it goes by so fast! It would be so fun to live closer and have play dates. They are so close in age! Everything is great with us. I hope the same for y'all!!
